Windmill Experience

Wind Energy Experience Center
This new exciting wing showcases the Wingen turbine, an electric producing wind turbine that was manufactured in Lubbock, Texas in the 1970’s. This model is interactive, with a button that can be pushed, and it will run through as complete blade pitching cycle. It also houses several more of our historic turbines, some dating back to the 1920’s.
Almost 4000 feet of “G” scale train track run around the building with a helix that allows the trains to run up above your head and around the building. Thomas and his Family are here along with a Circus Train, a Military Train and several others.

Alta Reeds Miniatures
Several of Alta Reeds’ miniature houses are incorporated into the early 1900’s scenery of the trains and the remainder of her collection is housed under glass on the south west corner of the new wing.

Garrison Family Millstone Collection
Garrison Family Millstone Collection Upon acquisition of the Flowerdew Hundred Post Mill, we also acquired the Millstones. It was through a generous grant from the Garrison Family Foundation that we were able to relocate the stones from Virginia. Fun fact: the Hershey chocolate company used grist stones to grind the cocoa beans for their chocolate.

Legacy of the Wind Mural
This large art work covers two interior walls of the Museum. These walls were specially prepared to accommodate the slight movement of the building in high winds. The artist worked with the Museum’s Director, Coy Harris, to develop a comprehensive windmill story reflecting the relations of humans, the environment and technology in using the wind to help do work. The variety of windmills painted in the mural were selected from the museum’s large collection of historic windmills.